Welcome to a New Life co-founders, Stan Kujawa and Harold “Puck” Rowe
The Welcome to a New Life Founders’ Circle was established in 2021 to recognize and thank donors who donate to Welcome to a New Life. The name was chosen to honor the Welcome to a New Life vision set forth by founders Stan Kujawa and Harold “Puck” Rowe. Their desire to provide second chances to adults involved in the justice system has grown into an opportunity to change the lives of mentees and their families. The levels of giving were established to celebrate our contributions while also encouraging their family and friends to help us in our mission to provide mentorship and resources for adults who are involved in the Hancock County criminal justice system, helping them to live crime-free, drug-free productive lives.
Community Leadership Level ($100,00+)
Donors at this level are recognized for their commitment to the community and our program. THis program has the potential to influence lives directly and indirectly well into the future. Welcome to a New Life’s continued impact relies on continued support and this level recognizes that long-time confidence in our work.
The Jebbett Level ($50,000 - $99,999)
Duane & Kathy Jebbett
The Jebbett Level is named after Kathy and Duane Jebbett and recognizes contributors who make a lifetime gift of $50,000 or more to Welcome to a New Life. The name was chosen to honor the philanthropic spirit of the Jebbetts who provided a $50,000 challenge grant in 2018. This gift not only allowed us to hire an executive director and establish policies, procedures, and additional revenue streams, but it also inspired other to give. The Jebbetts took a leap of faith with a brand-new organization. They recognized the need and trusted the founders to grow the organization.
Partnership Level ($25,000 - $49,999)
Our work relies on cooperation and collaboration among judges, defenders, probation officers, and city and county law enforcement leaders as well as local nonprofit organizations with whom we partner. During the first years of existence, individual leaders in the nonprofit community and local justice system welcomed the concept, supported the growth of the organization, and continue to recognize the importance of helping people change their lives for the better. Reaching this lifetime level of financial support allows for the Welcome to a New Life program to continue its collaborative efforts with the other entities in Hancock County who help people change their lives.
Road to Hope Level ($10,000 - $24,999)
Our vision is to offer a road to hope. Hope is critically important for every human being. By reaching this level, the donor is honoring individuals and corporations who support the organization’s desire to offer a road to hope for justice-involved individuals in Hancock County.
Mentor Level ($1,000 - $9,999)
Mentors are the backbone of the Welcome to a New Life organization. By donating annually at this level, the contributor recognizes that out mentors have made a commitment to enter a relationship with an adult who wants to change. The volunteer mentors in our program are trained, document their mentee’s progress, qne believes that everyone deserves a second chance.
Mentee Level (Up to $999)
When a mentee enters our program, they are choosing to make change happen in their lives. Our mentees voluntarily join Welcome to a New Life because they want a new life. By giving annually at this level, the donor is celebrating these positive choices and allow us to match the mentee with mentors who genuinely care about others who want to turn their lives around.